So, mission life has been interesting these last few weeks. I am not longer in Huntington, Indiana. I was emergency transferred 3 weeks into the transfer and I am now serving in the Western Hills Ward in Cincinnati. My companion and I are assigned as the office Elders. So I rode the tornado all the way to the mission office!!! Working in the office has been very different but it has been good. There have been a lot of things that I have had to learn in order to help one of the office Sisters with for financial things. On top of learning those things I am also going to be replacing my companion, Elder Bee as the vehicle coordinator after the end of next transfer. So I will have to learn all of those responsibilities in the next 6 weeks. It should be fun.
It has been fun here in this ward. The Assistants are also in this ward and one of them is Elder Demke, one of my old companions. That has been fun to be able to serve around him again, especially considering that I was emergency transferred away from him when I left Greenville the first time. We have been having a lot of fun! It is also really cool because President and Sister Welch live in our ward as well so we get to see them pretty regularly. We actually had dinner with them and some other missionaries at the mission home last night. That was really fun!
Something that happened yesterday that was really cool was we had a regional conference. There was a broadcast from Salt Lake and it was great! Elder Oaks was presiding and he gave an amazing talk at the end. He spoke about that it is primarily the members responsibility finding those who are ready for the gospel and the missionaries responsibility to be teaching those people. He talked having members pray for those missionary opportunities to be able to help the missionary effort. What was amazing was that President Welch has been teaching the mission to help members help those people to be ready to accept the gospel. That experience strengthened my testimony that this church is all run by Jesus Christ and His authority. I know that President Welch has the authority to be able to help our mission and that it aligns with what the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles want for the world. I love this gospel!
Thank you, I love you!
Elder Hayden Cannon
Elder Bee and Elder Cannon in "Elderly Parking" |
Mission Home Sunset |