This hasn't been the best week, I will admit. I don't really know why, I just have had a dip in my mood. Luckily, I know that I can move past it because that just what tends to happen with me and feelings like this.
Tuesday was a day that I was feeling particularly "blah." Before Elder Woffinden and I went out, something just felt off and I don't know what. It was a similar feeling when I felt like there was some sort of homework that I was forgetting to do. We finally went out and started working. That day we were riding our bikes. As we were coming back to the apartment for dinner, we passed by an intersection. A car pulled into the walk way of the intersection where I was riding my bike, but the woman driving started backing up so I thought she was backing out so that I could go, she wasn't. I started going and pulled out in front of her right as she started going and then she hit me... I came out completely uninjured, but that was a rattling experience. She got out to make sure I was ok, once she knew that she left. I wasn't really sure what to do, so I let her leave. It wasn't until she was pulling away that I realized that the wheel on my bike now was bent, making it so I wasn't able to ride the bike. So now I had to carry the bike back to the apartment. As the day went on, I kept saying, "I was just hit by a car..." I wasn't sure how to react to that. I was never expecting to be hit by a car on my mission, but I guess now I can add a new box on my check list and then check it off. Later, thinking about how I was feeling in the morning I thought to myself "Did Heavenly Father just try to literally knock that feeling out of me?" I don't know what the intention was of that happening, but it did.
A scripture that I found that has helped me. 3 Nephi 5:13 - "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."
This mission is not about me or how I feel, while yes, there are things that I can benefit from, but shouldn't be what I am focusing on. I am here so that the people in Crittenden, Kentucky might have everlasting life.
Thank you, I love you,
Elder Hayden Cannon
Well, luckily he looks ok. I'm sure Divine Intervention played a roll. |