Hello Everyone!!!
I found something that I wanted to share with you from zone conference, "God is easily pleased, but hard to satisfy." God is pleased with all of the good that we do, but he will not be satisfied until we become like him. I like this because it gives us gratification for the things that we are doing and also gives us something to continually work on throughout our lives.
This week has been pretty good! We have some investigators that are doing really well. There is one couple that are really enjoying us coming over and learning more about the gospel. Their current road blocks is that they are not married and that the boyfriend smokes. We taught him about the word of wisdom on Saturday and he seemed really enthusiastic about quitting. It was really cool to see the spirit working in him! He and his girlfriend are on date for the 28 of November! I know that they will be able to make it there!
Now that the transfer is over (I am not being transferred, by the way) we set a goal for the next transfer. The District leader asked us to set a goal for how many people that we will baptize in the next transfer (we then changed it to until the end of the year). Elder Woffinden and I prayed and we both felt that we should baptize four people. That is a ton!!! So we told our district leader that and he told us that the district has a goal of baptizing 13 people by the end of the year!!! Holy cow!!! But because of the spirit we felt we know that is what God wants us to do and we know that he will most definitely help us. It is going to take a lot of faith and prayers to get us there, but we know that it can and will happen with Heavenly Fathers Help.
Just a little fun thing that we were able to do last night is we were able to play with some puppies. There is a part member family whose dog just had puppies and we were able to play with them. I will send some pictures later today.
Thank you all so much for everything! I love being here and I know that there is nothing better that I could be doing.
Thank you, I love you,
Elder Hayden Cannon
These are the puppies!! |
It was my Dad's birthday so I sent a picture message. Happy Birthday Dad!! |
Then it was my birthday. A birthday wish from my family. |
Everyone needs cake for their birthday!! |
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