Monday, February 1, 2016

Transfer #3 is now over!

This transfer blew right by! It was also a 7 week transfer instead of 6! It has been weird. Anyway, I am staying in Greenville, but Elder Spagnolo will not be. I am bummed about that because we got along really well. I am also nervous to lead the area. I guess Heavenly Father is providing for me the ways to get out of my comfort/mediocre zone and grow. It will take some humility and diligence to get through this, but I know that I can do it. 

The missionaries in the Greenville branch have been asked to attend mutual every Wednesday. This past week was a rather fun activity. We did Fear Factor. Looking at it now, there wasn't really anything to be afraid of, but when I first heard about it my first thought was, "Great, what am I going to have to ingest..." It turned out that I had to eat bubble gum, oreos, and gummie worms. Nothing awful whatsoever. We got there late but as soon as we got there we won the next 3 events. I won the bubble blowing contest then finding and eating gummie worms in a pie tin full of oreos and whipped cream. Then Elder Spagnolo won the challenge of getting the quarter out from under a pile of flour onto the table with his nose. It was fun, I liked it.

It has been a good week. I am excited to get a new companion and have this opportunity to grow. It is going to take a lot of faith, but it will happen. 

Thank you, I love you.
Elder Hayden Cannon 

Fear Factor with the YM/YW. Elder Cannon was the winner!

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