So to explain the subject line, I have a story to tell. President Porter asked to talk to me during lunch at Zone Conference on Thursday. We start talking and he starts asking me some questions. Apparently I had the right answers because then he told me that I was going to go back to Greenville with the assistants, pack my bags and that I would be training a new missionary. For the rest of Zone Conference I could barely focus and I could not sit still! Not until after Zone Conference did one of the assistants tell me that I was also going to be a district leader. So there has been quite the change since last week. I am now serving in Fort Wayne Indiana. I am a tri-state missionary! That isn't something that not many people, even in this mission, get to say. It is especially rare since I am only 6 months out and this is my 3rd area. I am excited for this but a little overwhelmed. I have two options in this situation, I can either learn and grow a ton in this experience, or I can fall... Hard... Luckily, I have Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ on my side and I know that they will be how I will make it through this on top. I am truly excited.
There were somethings that I was able to catch at Zone Conference that I did really like though. My favorite thing that was said was a definition of humility. "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, Humility is thinking of yourself, less." We all have been blessed with amazing talents and gifts that Heavenly Father expects us to use. He not only expects us to use them, but to know about them and to be confident in using them. Being confident is not being prideful. In fact, something that we all tend to do is one of the most selfish things that we could do. When we beat ourselves up about things that "we aren't good at" that is one of the most selfish things that we can do! All we are thinking about is ourselves in those instances. We must not beat ourselves up over these things. Look at them as an opportunity to grow and figure out how you can use the talents that you do have to better serve Heavenly Father.
I am grateful for this gospel and how we are able to change and grow because of it.
Thank you all so much!
I love you!
Elder Hayden Cannon
My new companion Elder Tanner |
Awesome changes and he will be growing in leaps and must be do happy about his growth
ReplyDeleteAwesome changes and he will be growing in leaps and must be do happy about his growth