Monday, July 18, 2016

We had a baptism!!!

Elder Lilly and I are super happy that we got to baptize Joyce. She is awesome! She was the fastest baptism that I have ever had. The minimum requirement for going to church before investigators are baptized is attending 3 times. The sacrament meeting she was confirmed was her 4th time being at church. We saw Joyce 4 times a week to get her ready for baptism. This was an awesome experience! Joyce is wonderful and Elder Lilly and I are so excited to see her progression and to see how excited she is about the gospel. I am really hoping that I will be able to go to the temple with her when she receives her endowment. This is going to be so cool! 

It was a really hot and humid week this week. It was in the 90s on Wednesday and Thursday. Heat, humidity, and biking makes for very interesting days. I love working though. Any bad feeling that I have towards anything, goes away as I go out and work. I am so happy to be a here in the Ohio Cincinnati Mission. I can't wait to continue to work with people and help them find salvation. 

I love you all! Thank you!
Elder Hayden Cannon

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