Things have been going well here in Eastgate. It has been really fun here with Elder Burton. We have had some really cool experiences.
Elder Burton and I went on exchanges with the Assistants this week and it was really fun. I stayed in Eastgate and was with Elder Verdoni. I have to admit that I was a little stressed out by the exchange because I have had some rather stressful exchanges when I have lead the area in the past, but this one was really good. At one point, we were looking through the area book wondering what to next and Elder Verdoni made the suggestion to pray and ask what we should do. I had already made the decision but wanted to make sure that it was the right one by praying about it. So we prayed and we went off. We went to go see this less active member, but outside his apartment was this man on his phone, so we started talking to him. We were able to talk about God's plan for him and even though there were some unfortunate things that happened, they will all be for his good. We are really excited to see how he does.
We had a meeting with the stake president and President Welch. President Welch made a comment that I really liked. He said that if we really want people to be doing things like missionary work, or temple and family history work we have to develop a culture of doing those things. That made me think about the cultures that I want to have around me. I really want to have a righteous, Godly, culture to be able to maintain the same spirituality that I have been able to experience on my mission.
Thank you for everything! I love you!!!
Elder Hayden Cannon
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