Monday, April 10, 2017

"Ride my Tornado!!!" Welcome to Huntington, Indiana!!!

Hello from Huntington, Indiana!!!

Things are going well in the new area. I have really enjoyed being here. My new companion is Elder Thomson from Bountiful, Utah. He is 19 years old and has been on his mission for about 8 months. He is a good kid and a good missionary and I look forward to working with him. It was exciting coming into the new area because there is a couple on date for baptism this coming weekend! It is great to see things progress throughout the mission. 

Something that was really funny that happened this week was we walked by this guy who we see fairly regularly but this time he was listening to headphones. As we walk by him he starts singing along or something to what he is listening to and exclaims, "Ride my tornado!!!" Elder Thomson and I have been saying that multiple times to each other and we laugh every time! Looks like things are going to be fun in Huntington!!!

Thank you, I love you!!!
Elder Hayden Cannon 

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