Monday, January 25, 2016

"To Dream the Impossible Dream"

Things have been going pretty well in Greenville. I had an interesting experience with my zone leader on exchanges on Tuesday. It was the first time that I was leading the area in Greenville. I really don't like leading the area because I feel like I can't come up with enough to do in order to keep us busy all day. I am really glad that I was with my zone leader though. He helped me a lot that day. He helped remember that we make plans for a reason. God intended us to be there at that time so that we could fulfill our purpose there. So we found our purpose everywhere we went. Almost everywhere we went, the people we intended to to see weren't home, so we knocked on the doors around the house. That day we found 4 new investigators. Usually we find that many investigators in a week, if that many. My zone leader was a huge help because he pushed me to be more diligent in finding our purpose everywhere that we went. He also helped me see the potential that I have as a missionary. Everyday can be like that as long as I am diligent and find my purpose everywhere that I go. 

The day after that exchange, we had a training with President Porter. I had a thought come to me that I can't be satisfied with mediocrity. I thought it was a weird thought because I have never thought of myself as mediocre. I was always rather happy with myself being above average, not the best, but still above average. I liked where I was because I was comfortable. That was the problem right there, I was comfortable. Because I fell into comfort, I wasn't really moving forward at a rate that was worth much. Because of the slow progression, I am mediocre. The comparison is not with others, it is with me in the past, me in the present, and me in the future. I can't be satisfied with my mediocrity. I have to always be getting better or else this will all be in vain. The reason that I titled this "To Dream the Impossible Dream" is because I am constantly singing it and because of that, it has given me a chance to think about the lyrics. The song is about doing things that are impossible because it is going to make us better in the future. If we are "willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause" we will be happy with our lives and so will Heavenly Father. That song I think is a very good representation of missionary work because we are doing things that the world sees as irrational and impossible and Satan is throwing absolutely everything into our path to try and stop us. But...

I know if I'll only be true 
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

I love this gospel, and I know that Heavenly Father is with me every step that I take as long as I work diligently and do all of the things that "The Impossible Dream" suggest. 

Thank you, I love you.
Elder Hayden Cannon

Monday, January 18, 2016

No Blog post this week. Elder Cannon had a good week. It is cold!!! He ran out of time and sounds busy while on the Lord's errand. Thanks to all of you for your support!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

It took until Mid January but we finally got snow!!! ugh...

We finally got snow!!! dang it... Oh well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. As we were driving to the library today, it was 11 degrees outside! The car doors have been frozen shut a few times! Needless to say, it is cold. 

I don't know how much I have talked about this, but Elder Spagnolo got sick once again! We don't know what is up with him. We think it must just be a stomach virus. The weirdest part about this is that it hasn't touched me at all! He has had this for the last 3 weeks and I still haven't gotten sick! This I think has been a huge blessing to for me. 

Something really interesting happened though because my companion has been sick. One day, Elder Spagnolo stayed in a member's home and then I went out with another member and continued doing missionary work. We expected the member to come out with us for 2 or 3 hours and then go home and then we would be stuck back in the apartment. The member was out with us from 1 in the afternoon and then took us home at 9 that night. He was out with us pretty much the entire day! We were able to get quite a bit done that day, even thought Elder Spagnolo was sick. That was an enormous blessing from Heavenly Father and we are so grateful that it happened. 

I am loving being here in Greenville, even if it is cold and snowing. There are some great people here to teach.

Thank you, I love you!
Elder Hayden Cannon 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! 

Just like the other holidays that I have experienced as a missionary, New Years was just as weird. Especially since we were quarantined for 42 hours... (We got in at 6 New Years Eve and didn't leave until noon January 2nd) We were given plenty of homework though. We were given 10 envelopes that had different assignments in them. Most of them were just talks that we were asked to read and questions to answer but the most interesting assignment was the one we were supposed to open at 6 in the morning on the first. We were challenged to read the entire Book of Mormon, starting at 6 in the morning until 10:30 that night. AHHH!!!! I am not a good reader! So we spent the whole day reading the Book of Mormon. That was a long day. I love the scriptures, but trying to speed read the whole thing was not very fun for me. We only made it about half way through Alma. That was an interesting day. 

There were some really good things in the envelopes that I really liked though. We were asked to do a "Purification Challenge." With yesterday being fast Sunday, everyone in the mission fasted and prayed that we would be able to know what it is that is keeping us from being more powerful missionaries and to make a list of all of those things. Once we have our list we then have a 40 day fast of those things that are keeping us from the power of God. This is going to be difficult becuase one of the things that I think is keeping me from more power is daydreaming, which is something I do quite a bit without even thinking about it. I am excited to be able to focus and consecrate my thoughts and efforts towards this work. 

There was another talk from Richard G. Scott that I really liked, specifically a quote from it. "We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day." This is something that I think is really going to help me get with this purification challenge. As I keep from doing the things that drive the spirit away, even if it is a minute amount, I will be able to become what I want to be, a powerful missionary. 

I am excited to keep working and doing these things that will help me and the people that I teach, progress in the gospel.

I love you all, thank you so much for all you are doing for me.
Happy New Year!!!
Elder Hayden Cannon