Monday, February 27, 2017

I am back in Greenville!!!

I am back in Greenville!!!

I can't believe I am back in a branch that I have served in before! It is crazy! It has been so fun coming back to this branch. I have gotten to see a bunch of people that I knew before and it is great to see how people have progressed. Recent converts that I knew have received their endowments, other investigators have gotten baptized. It is awesome!!! It was super fun going to church yesterday because the branch didn't know that I was coming back. That was really cool to surprise them. The member that gave us a ride home from transfers told us that in the 15 years that she has lived in Greenville, a missionary coming back has never happened. I am really glad to be here. 

Elder Erickson is my new companion. He is great! He is from Orem. He plays the guitar which can make for some really fun musical times! This is his 3rd transfer and he is just ready to go! I really like that about him. It really will make the work so much more joyful!

We had a really great miracle this week. Elder Erickson found these girls as potential investigators before I got here and we were able to to meet with them this week, pick them up as new investigators as well their Grandfather! Then they came to church! It was great to see this family coming to church together. We are looking forward to working with them. 

I love being a missionary!

Thank you! I love you!
Elder Hayden Cannon