Monday, July 17, 2017

Busy with Zone Conferences

This was a pretty busy week. Two of the three zone conferences were this last week and one of them was all the way up in Fort Wayne. It was really fun to go up to Fort Wayne again but it required a lot of driving. We got back from Fort Wayne at about 10pm Wednesday night. This was also after we stopped to look at the elders' in the Fairfield car because they were rear ended earlier that day. We received an estimate for the car and it is going to cost almost $12,000! The church usually totals cars if it is above $4,000. Luckily the mission will be getting new cars soon. The zone conferences thus far have been really great. There still one more tomorrow. We are excited for that. 

Our investigator, Leslie, who we put on date for the 29th is now attending the Norwood ward because that is where she will be moving to. We had a lesson with the Norwood elders and Leslie and it was a really good lesson. It is a bummer that we wont be able to teach her any more but we are excited to see that she still wants to come to church and be baptized. We are still looking for people to teach which can be difficult with our companionship assignments in the office. We have been seeing some miracles though. There are a pair of Spanish Elders that cover our area and they keep finding us referrals. They have been really great people to teach. One of them we are meeting with tonight and we are very excited. There was another person that they referred to us who is awesome! The Spanish elders asked Heavenly Father for an opportunity for a person who needs the gospel to find the missionaries, rather than the missionaries finding them. They went about their day and at one point they hear this woman shouting, "Elders!!!" This woman is from Africa and was attending church consecutively from 2000-2003 and somehow was never baptized. She has since moved to the US and hasn't been in contact with the church since then. The Elders then passed her information on to us. We called her and she sounded very excited! We set up an appointment which made us very excited as well. We then went to what we thought was the address and found out that it wasn't her address. We called her, got her real address, and realized that it was out of our ward. She was expecting us though so we went and saw her. She is awesome! She remembers so much about the church. While we were there, I texted the Sisters that cover that area and told them to call her that night. What was funny was that the sisters called while we were still there! She seems to be progressing very well. We are excited for the sisters to be teaching her and can't wait to see what happens!

Thank you, I love you!!!
Elder Hayden Cannon  

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